PWEB C Tugas 2 HTML dan CSS


1:  <html>  
2:    <head>  
3:      <title>Belajar Ngoding Dengan Mudah</title>  
4:      <link rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css"/>  
5:    </head>  
6:    <body>  
7:      <div class="header">  
8:        <div class="jarak">  
9:          <h2>Belajar Ngoding Dengan Mudah</h2>  
10:        </div>  
11:      </div>  
12:      <div class="menu">  
13:        <ul>  
14:          <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>  
15:          <li><a href="#">About</a></li>  
16:          <li><a href="#">Blog</a></li>  
17:          <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>  
18:        </ul>  
19:      </div>  
20:      <div class="content">  
21:        <div class="jarak">  
22:          <!-- kiri -->  
23:          <div class="kiri">  
24:            <!-- blog -->  
25:            <div class="border">  
26:              <div class="jarak">  
27:                <h3>Phyton</h3>  
28:                <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been</p>  
29:                <button class="btn">Read More ..</button>  
30:              </div>  
31:            </div>  
32:            <div class="border">  
33:              <div class="jarak">  
34:                <h3>C#</h3>  
35:                <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been</p>  
36:                <button class="btn">Read More ..</button>  
37:              </div>  
38:            </div>  
39:            <!-- end blog -->  
40:          </div>  
41:          <!-- kiri -->  
42:          <!-- kanan -->  
43:          <div class="kanan">  
44:            <div class="jarak">  
45:              <h3>CATEGORY</h3>  
46:              <hr/>  
47:              <p><a href="#" class="undecor">HTML</a></p>  
48:              <p><a href="#" class="undecor">CSS</a></p>  
49:              <p><a href="#" class="undecor">BOOTSTRAP</a></p>  
50:              <p><a href="#" class="undecor">PHP</a></p>  
51:              <p><a href="#" class="undecor">MYSQL</a></p>  
52:              <p><a href="#" class="undecor">Jquery</a></p>  
53:              <p><a href="#" class="undecor">Ajax</a></p>  
54:            </div>  
55:          </div>  
56:          <!-- kanan -->  
57:        </div>  
58:      </div>  
59:      <div class="footer">  
60:        <div class="jarak">  
61:          <p>Copyright 2022 codebareng all reserved</p>  
62:        </div>  
63:      </div>  
64:    </body>  
65:  </html>  


1:  body {  
2:    background : #f3f3f3 ;  
3:    color : #333 ;  
4:    width : 100% ;  
5:    font-family : sans-serif ;  
6:    margin : 0 auto ;  
7:    }  
8:  .header {  
9:    width : 90% ;  
10:    margin : auto ;  
11:     height : 120px ;  
12:     line-height : 120px ;  
13:     background : #b74a20 ;  
14:    color : #fff ;  
15:    }  
16:  .content {  
17:    width : 90% ;  
18:    margin : auto ;  
19:    height : 420px ;  
20:    padding : 0.1px ;  
21:    background : #fff ;  
22:    color : #333 ;  
23:    }  
24:  .kiri{  
25:    width : 70% ;  
26:    float : left ;  
27:    margin : auto ;  
28:    background : #fff ;  
29:    height : 420px ;  
30:    }  
31:  .kanan{  
32:    width : 30% ;  
33:    float : left ;  
34:    margin : auto ;  
35:    background : #fff ;  
36:    height : 420px ;  
37:    }  
38:  .border {  
39:    border : 2px solid #ff7b2f ;  
40:    margin-top : 1pc;  
41:    padding-bottom : 1pc ;  
42:    padding-left : 2pc ;  
43:    padding-right : 2pc ;  
44:    }  
45:  .undecor{  
46:    text-decoration : none ;  
47:    }  
48:  .footer {  
49:    width : 90% ;  
50:    margin : auto ;  
51:    height : 40px ;  
52:    line-height : 40px ;  
53:    background : #ffae00 ;  
54:    color : #fff ;  
55:    }  
56:  .menu {  
57:    background-color : #ee8c0cb7 ;  
58:    height : 50px ;  
59:    line-height : 50px ;  
60:    position : relative ;  
61:    width : 90% ;  
62:    margin : 0 auto ;  
63:    padding : 0 auto ;  
64:    }  
65:  .jarak {  
66:    padding : 0 2pc ;  
67:  }  
68:  .menu ul {  
69:    list-style : none ;  
70:    }  
71:  .menu ul li a {  
72:    float : left ;  
73:    width : 70px ;  
74:    display : block ;  
75:    text-align : center ;  
76:    color : #FFF ;  
77:    text-decoration : none ;  
78:    }  
79:  .menu ul li a:hover {  
80:    background-color : #ff931f ;  
81:    display : block ;  
82:    }  

Tampilan page


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